Useful Resources

Probably the most popular way to generate Stable Diffusion images locally on your own machine. This is also the tool used to mix checkpoint files together so that you can re-create some of the model mixes on this website.

A super easy tutorial that will get you up and running with Stable Diffusion in very little time.

A good resource for finding Stable Diffusion checkpoint files.

A curated list of Stable Diffusion models, updated frequently.

Another lengthy list of Stable Diffusion models with links.

Note: Stable Diffusion checkpoint files (.ckpt) can contain malicious code. While I have not encountered any malicious files, this website makes no claim about the safety of model files shared at any the links above - use at your own risk!

The largest alternative Stable Diffusion server on Discord (that I know of).

Pretty big folder of SD checkpoints, some of which I have never heard of before.

Combo of the week:

Been having a lot of luck with the following combo recently - give it a try!

SXD-v0.8-pruned: 50% | sdHeroBimboBondage_1: 50%

These images  were generated using the above mentioned model mix.